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If a team does not field at least 4 players at the start of a given game, then the game shall be deemed a "walkover". Please be aware that in the event of a walkover the team will incur a $140 "walkover fee".  It is the responsibility of the team and not the club to pay any walkover fee.


A walkover should be entered into Teammo as soon as possible to give notice to the opposition that there will be no game.



It is important for team mangers to notify the age group co-ordinator as soon as possible if a team is at risk of a walkover. This will assist in sourcing fill in players to avoid a walkover.


To avoid a walkover fill in players can be


  1. Players from younger age groups. MEBA have now issued clear guidance on fill-in players. This can be found here:  


 2. Players from the same age group or younger that are playing in a separate MEBA administered competition, i.e. Mid week players can fill in for a Saturday team and vice versa.


  3. Unregistered players are able to fill in provided they are age group appropriate. A Fill in player can be entered into the team via the scoring computer at the commencement of the game. A player can only Fill in for 3 games and is then required to register.


If a team does not field a minimum of four players within a period of ten minutes following the scheduled time of commencement as shown on the fixture, then the game shall be deemed a walkover.


The game shall be awarded to the opposing team, if in attendance within the required time or if they have been notified previously by the Competition Administrator (Teammo) that their attendance is not required.


For each full minute beyond the scheduled starting time that the game is delayed by any team not being present (with a minimum of four players ready to play), the opposing team while in attendance shall be credited with one game point to a maximum of 10 points


For each walkover given a team shall be liable to pay a walkover fee of $140 (subject to annual review) for expenses incurred by the giving of the walkover.




Walkovers should be entered into Teamo by the Team manager. The process to do this is here;


Please be aware it is not the clubs responsibility to fund any walkover fee.


















If you're scheduled to play but the opposition team submits a walkover, any match fee paid will be credited to your Teammo account for use in the next round. This credit should occur within a week. If it does not, please contact Teammo using their chat function, specifying details of the game which was forfeited. ​​




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